Thursday, October 14, 2010

iPad on Verizon...Is the iPhone next?

Verizon Wireless says it will start selling Apple's iPad and in its retail stores beginning Oct. 28.

The company says it will also offer data plans for the tablet computer for $20 per month, breaking AT&T Inc.'s exclusive hold on Apple's mobile devices. Price for the 16gb iPad and MiFi mobile hotspot will be $629.
One of the best parts of this new announcement, NO CONTRACT. Verizon has announced that the $20per month data plan will be pay as you go.

The deal could give both Apple Inc. and Verizon, the country's largest wireless carrier, a boost going into the holiday shopping season.

Separately, AT&T Inc. says it is also offering the iPad at retail locations for the first time. The carrier has been the exclusive wireless provider for the iPad since its launch earlier this year, offering data plans that start at $15 per month.

Will the iphone be far behind...

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