Thursday, October 14, 2010

Duffy The Disney... Who?

Duffy The Disney…. Who?

As many Disney fans may know, Duffy the Disney Bear made his American theme park debut today. But if you are anything like me you may find yourself saying Duffy who?

Well for the uninformed, i.e. those of you who don’t care enough to research this character (everyone), here is the story of Duffy.

One day sailor Mickey is about to go to sea, Minnie wanting to give him something special makes him a bear named Duffy. Minnie presented the bear to Mickey at the pier by the old lighthouse on a blustery day. Mickey smiled brightly, and placed the teddy lovingly into his duffel bag. "I'll call you Duffy!" And the two were off to begin a wonder-full journey.

The story goes on, but really that’s the important part.

Duffy the bear is a minor character form an obscure story from Tokyo Disney. The only reason he is coming to Epcot is that Disney believes he will be a big seller.

Don’t believe me? Liz Boyce, Senior VP merchandise development even stated during her opening line during the press conference “I guess you are wondering who in the world is Duffey.”

Now, don’t get me wrong I have no problem with Disney making as much money as they can (I am a stock holder) and I do spend obscene amounts of money that I really don’t have at Disney every year. Like many of you other Disney fans, I spend the money on things that I love. I love the resorts, from the Poly to the Pop each has its own unique appeal, high standard of service, a bit of magic, and it beats the “no tell-motel” down the road. I love the food, the themeing, the cast members and the characters.

Characters that my parents grew up with, that I grew up with, that my son is growing up with. And yes there have been some additions over the years, but normally when they add characters they build a story, an experience, a world around them. Only then, when we embrace them does Disney finally bring them to the parks, sells plush toys, and hold a press conference. To me, Duffy was the exception.

It seems that Disney is trying to make an obscure character a big deal simply to increase the sales of Duffy dolls in the U.S. Fine, great, more power to them, but I don’t know if it is going to work. I dislike the fact that Disney is trying to force this bear down my throat, why not give me something I want. Lets say Phineas and Ferb.

Phineas and Ferb are a favorite in my house. My three year old would wait in line for hours to meet them and Perry. He would also beg me to buy and buy and buy Phineas and Ferb toys. Why couldn’t they bring them to Epcot… Would anyone argue that they would not be a great addition to Innoventions. Or what is Disney doing with the old Wonders of Life pavilion… Maybe a few Phineas and Ferb inspired rides.

I will end here before my blood pressure gets too high, but I will leave you with one fear that I have. My son sees Duffy and wants one, not because he loves him the way he loves Mickey, but because it’s a bear and he is three.

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