Sunday, August 9, 2009

Trying to make it in the World

I started, this blog, the rumor mill blog because I love Disney. I have seen the other sites and blogs, many were good, looked cool, and to me seemed that the authors were having a great time creating them.

I never realized how hard it was going to be to do this.

I love creating, writing, discussing Disney and networking with other Disney World fans. It has been a blast! The hard part is all the non Disney stuff I have to put up with. I had just more or less got the site going, I was blogging almost everyday. Then just as I got rolling, hit my stride... Things started to fall apart.

My ISP started to crash, again, I mean all the time. So now here I no Internet access (yes in 2009 I couldn't get online) What a pain. So I switch providers, start catching up on things, and theres a power surge. Goodbye modem, goodbye router, luckily computers are still here.

Well now I'm back, and hopefully I can get back into the groove. And start enjoying this endeavor once again.

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