Sunday, August 30, 2009

Hidden costs at Disney

We all know that travelling to Disney World is expensive. But with any luck you have made your reservations and have gotten a good deal. So here you are all set to go, the trip is paid for, and you are nervous about those hidden costs that can pop up on any trip.
Disney is not like any other destination on the planet, so I wouldn’t call them hidden costs, but there will definitely be extra expenses, so you will need to plan accordingly.
One of the biggest areas where people under budget is on food and drinks. You WILL eat and drink more than you know while at the parks. Not a problem you say, you have the dining plan, you’re covered. Well did you remember that the dining plan does not include tips? Probably not, and tips can add up. The good news is that you only have to worry about tipping full service restaurant staff; all other Disney cast members are not allowed to accept tips (Valets excluded).
Also, one or two snacks per day will not be enough especially if you are traveling with children. You would be surprised how hungry and thirsty you get walking around the parks.
On the subject of children, they can be very persuasive when they want souvenirs. Plan on buying some!
Parking. If you are staying at a Disney resort and have your own vehicle, you will not have to worry about paying for parking. Resort guests can park anywhere and at any park for free for the length of their stay. (Once again Valet parking is not included) If you are staying off property, parking is very expensive.
Here are some tips for saving money:
1. Eat breakfast in your room: Buy some Pop Tarts, breakfast bars, ect and keep them in your room.
2. Avoid late night snacks: Like the previous tip, buy some sodas, water, chips and keep them in your room. Doing this will save you time and money by not having to walk down to the food court.
3. Tables In Wonderland: If you are not on the Dining Plan buy the TIW card this will give you discounts on most meals as well as allow you to valet park for free.
4. If you can carry it, bring it: Disney allows you to bring outside food and drinks into the park. Pack some bottles of water in you backpack.
5. Eat Wisely: I suggest two meals per day. A late brunch and an early diner. If you have a quick Pop Tart in your room, make a late breakfast reservation, then eat at one of the last lunch sitting you should be fine. The advantage is that by eating a late lunch you pay lunch prices for what is usually the same menu as the diner.
6. Make ADR’s early: One of the worst things that can happen is that you pay the money for the dining plan then can’t eat at restaurants that you like. As soon as you book your trip, book you’re dining reservations. In fact, I would book the restaurants and then the trip.
As always, check back often and for all your Disney info needs check us out at

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Trying to make it in the World

I started, this blog, the rumor mill blog because I love Disney. I have seen the other sites and blogs, many were good, looked cool, and to me seemed that the authors were having a great time creating them.

I never realized how hard it was going to be to do this.

I love creating, writing, discussing Disney and networking with other Disney World fans. It has been a blast! The hard part is all the non Disney stuff I have to put up with. I had just more or less got the site going, I was blogging almost everyday. Then just as I got rolling, hit my stride... Things started to fall apart.

My ISP started to crash, again, I mean all the time. So now here I no Internet access (yes in 2009 I couldn't get online) What a pain. So I switch providers, start catching up on things, and theres a power surge. Goodbye modem, goodbye router, luckily computers are still here.

Well now I'm back, and hopefully I can get back into the groove. And start enjoying this endeavor once again.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Great News for Annual Passholders

Walt Disney World has unveiled an unprecedented offer: in fear that the economy will cause annual passholders to not renew their APs, Disney is offering a 15 month annual pass for the price of 12. The promotion began on August 2nd. To utilize the offer, the passholder must be within the usual renewal window (60 days or less before the expiration date). The offer applies to all annual passes except “Epcot After 4.”
Story courtesy of